Monday, February 8, 2010

Create Your Own Culture!

I came across this powerful exhortation in Mitch Albom's wonderful book, Tuesdays With Morrie.

There is a dire need for all of us to create our own culture, our own way of living. All of us are in danger of losing our identities, our true selves. Why?

Because there is always pressure to "be like the crowd", "to be one of `em", to be cool etc, etc. In my training sessions with young people, I often suggest that they retain their true identities, rather than discard these and become a non distinct person. Being one amongst many is better than being many without being one.

In this age of overwhelming mass media and popular culture, and of course peer pressure, individuality is slowly being lost, with many individuals being unaware. Notice that I reiterate the word `being'. People have ceased being significant; they are merging with the crowds. Once again, we are harking back to the tribal ages!

Hence, I was so gratified that during one of my workshops, a student, in response to my question about what was his strength, said that he enjoyed `being' himself'.

May there be more of such individuals.